Thursday, June 01, 2006


as if you needed more proof that the internet exists primarily as a medium for the exchange of pornography, an analysis of the referring sites shows that my brief mention of stacy keibler has generated more site traffic on this sports related blog than any other single topic. a full 5 out of the last twenty referring links were from yahoo and google searches associated with ms. keibler -- "stacy keibler", "stacy keibler hot", and "stacy keibler porn". the next most popular was "sixers trade rumors" with 3. the rest were tied at 1 apiece -- my favorite in this category was "christy canyon" from my brief attempt to manipulate the google ads.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Better porn referrals than Cowg!rl ones. Course I kept reading Stacy Kohlber instead of Keibler as I have no idea who the latter one was.

2:51 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good site

6:09 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good site

6:11 PM EST  

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